I have to start by saying our website started as a simple site, in 2000, with my own and Maxine's trees. Over the following years, 'cousins' on the outer branches of the trees asked me to research their family trees including their partners and this has lead to an expansion of the families listed. The site also includes some families, while not truly related to us, are linked by very distant marriages and members of these families have donated information to assist other researchers.
Family research is my main hobby encompassing any family that has a link to ours, regardless of how distant. The site policy is that we are providing information freely available to anyone who is researching the families listed and as a place for members of these families to swap information. All information, including documents, photos, etc., on living members is hidden from casual viewers. This hidden information is available only to people who register and can prove they are members of a particular branch. Once registered they can only see living information on their related branch/branches but information on non-related persons still remains hidden.
At the present time we have 1064 registered users of the site, with some using our site as their main family tree site and constantly sending me new information for display.
Included, for the present, are non-related/non-linked individuals who are buried in the Peterborough District Council area. These are part of a project I'm doing which is photographing and cataloguing all the headstones in the district. Once finished the information and photos will be donated to the local history group. The reason for having this combined with our family file, while collating the data, is that some of our families lived/married in the area and are buried here so rather than duplicate these individuals, in 2 separate databases, it is easier to have them all together. Once I've finished collating the data I will then 'clone' the individuals who are in the Peterborough District cemeteries, into a separate database and at the same time remove the non-related/non-linked individuals from the family database.
Many thanks must go to Nancy Redpath for the bulk of the information on the Redpath's, Barrie Hope for the Hope/Swanson/Churchett lines, Ron Nuske for the information on the Nuske families, Robert Childs for the information on the Humpston/Humpstone families, Stewart Kerr for the information on the Kerr families, Lorraine Homewood for the Homewood/Taylor family information, and Shirley Barrette for the information on the Ralphs family, John Trigge for information on the Trigge, Robinson and related families, Ronald Wilson for the Brew, Miller and related families, Jean Hucks/Hannah Collins for making available the information on the Hucks and related families, Gwen Parkinson for the Starkey and related families, Victoria Turner for the Saunders/Phillips line, Lois Smith for the Ankor, King, Martin, Shipway, Pearce families, Shane Reiche for the Reiche line and associated families, and of course to all the other contributors to the site, too many to list here.
To all the people who have contacted me, through our old site, and I haven't been in contact with or haven't contacted for quite a while, please accept my apologies. This new site handles and stores correspondence a lot better and I should never lose anyone's contact details.
While every effort has been made to ensure the information on this site is correct, errors and omissions can occur. If you find incorrect data please use the 'suggest' tab, on the page that the incorrect data appears, to let us know. I have also included people in this database who do not appear to be linked with our families, at present, but with more research may eventually turn out to be.
TIP: All individual's ID Numbers start with the letter "I" and this must be included when entering the Person ID number in searches or calculating Relationships, for example: Archibald REDPATH, Person ID: I8 which would be entered i8 not 18. Family ID's start with the letter F and must be included in any family search when asked to enter Family ID.
User Accounts: Are restricted to known and proven family members and/or their authorised researchers. User Accounts are approved at the discretion of the site's owner. Proof of family connection may be required. There may be a delay, of up to 48 hours, between registering for a User Account and being approved. Please use the 'Register for a User Account' link situated at the bottom of this page if you wish to register.
Most Wanted
Descendants of Christopher FRANCIS
We have a registered user interested in making contact with any descendants of Christopher FRANCIS - Harriet HATTON
Contact Us
Family Reunions
Our business site: Down to Earth Galleries

Where we live - Peterborough, South Australia: www.ourpeterboroughsouthaustralia.com.au
© 2001-2017 Ian Redpath. All rights reserved
Registration: Initial registration will be as a Guest User. The registration confirmation email we will send will ask you - whom you are related to and how - to assist us in assigning you to a Branch. Please check your SPAM folder for our confirmation emails if you do not receive any from us within 48 hours. Some confirmation emails are not getting through so try your User Name & password to login after at least 48 hours. Please let me know the nearest relative listed on the site, and how you are related, so I can assign you to the correct branch. Being assigned to a branch reveals more information, if we have it online, and enables some more menu choices.
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.